Strategic Development Meeting of the Zhuhai-Hong Kong Smart Logistics Park – Envisioning the Future of Hezhou New Area

In collaboration with Reitar’s strategic partners, SmartMore Logtech Group and the Investment Promotion Centre of Hezhou New Area (In Preparation), a strategic development meeting was held at Reitar’s Hong Kong headquarters. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and explore strategies and cooperative opportunities in the Hezhou New Area.

With its advantageous location at the confluence of the east and west coasts of the Pearl River, the Hezhou New Area shines as a rising star in Zhuhai. The area boasts various policies and logistics projects, including the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Logistics Park, Intelligent Manufacturing Industrial Park, Zhuhai-Macao Cross-border Industrial Zone, and Zhuhai Free Trade Zone, all aimed at achieving comprehensive strategies planning within the Greater Bay Area.

During the meeting, both parties shared insights into the business potential and opportunities within the Hezhou New Area, while discussing prospects for logistics cooperation.

Reitar actively seeks collaborations with diverse stakeholders to promote comprehensive smart logistics planning in the Greater Bay Area.

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