We do iWaaS


iWaaS (intelligent Warehouse as a Service) is an innovative logistics service model that leverages capital investment, technological advancement, and quality services to help customers quickly experience the benefits of smart warehousing and lower their entry barriers to upgrading smart warehousing.

iWaaS consists of three key elements:

i. Capital: NEXX establishes dedicated funding pools for investment

ii. Service: An intelligent operating platform provides highly flexible and unmanned warehouse services

iii. Technology: NEXX serves as the overall architect for solutions

Compared to undertaking construction independently, the iWaaS model helps customers avoid heavy equipment procurement costs and accelerate warehouse intelligence upgrades.

Through iWaaS, NEXX becomes the asset owner while users subscribe to smart warehouses through lightweight asset methods and pay-monthly fees according to storage item types and values.

To successfully establish the iWaaS model requires simultaneous innovation breakthroughs in capital, technology, and services.

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The representatives of both sides held a signing ceremony witnessed by a group of key officials.
July 2, 2024

Hong Kong's intelligent logistics technology platform NEXX announced today (27/06) that it has signed an investment cooperation agreement with the Zhengling Venture Capital, the government guidance fund of Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai, to jointly build a Hong Kong-Zhuhai smart logistics ecosystem, develop innovative technology projects, and promote the transformation of smart logistics.

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