Employee Well-being First: Reitar’s successful “Chronic Pain Relief at Workplace Workshop

We are dedicated to caring for employee well-being and organized the successful “Chronic Pain Relief at Workplace Workshop” as part of the “Joyful@Healthy Workplace” Programme. We engaged a physiotherapist to teach our colleagues practical techniques for relieving chronic pain, which allowed us to practice together during the workshop. In addition, all of us were treated to a nourishing soup after the workshop as an added gesture of care. Reitar remains committed to fostering a supportive work atmosphere and prioritizing employee wellness through initiatives like this workshop.

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Reitar Awarded 2023/24 Caring Company Certification
May 21, 2024

Congratulations to Reitar! We were honored to receive the prestigious “Caring Company” emblem for the 2023/24 year at the S+ Summit cum Expo. This event was host by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS), took place from May 2nd to 3rd at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

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